59th meeting of the Standing Committee (resumed session)

Gland Switzerland

23 May - 27 May 2022

June 2022

An additional virtual resumed session of the 59th Meeting of the Standing Committee took place on Tuesday 21 June 2022 , in accordance with Standing Committee Decision SC59/2022-49.

Report and decisions


May 2022

The resumed session of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee took place at Secretariat headquarters in Gland, Switzerland, between 23 and 27 May 2022, in accordance with Standing Committee Decision SC59-36.

The agenda and documents of the session are published below in the official languages of the Convention.

In-session documents

Report and decisions of the meeting

Summary of decisions


April 2022

The Subgroup on Finance met on 5 April 2022. The report and recommendations of this meeting are published here.


November 2021

The Standing Committee held a resumed online session of its 59th meeting online on 15 November 2021.

The report and decisions of this resumed session are published here.


June 2021

The first session of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee took place online, from Monday 21 to Friday 25 June 2021.

The meeting documents are published here.

Report and decisions of the meeting

Summary of decisions



1. Opening statements (no documents)
1.1. Chair of the Standing Committee (United Arab Emirates)
1.2. Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
1.3. International Organization Partners
1.4. Secretary General of the Convention
Procedural matters
2. Adoption of the provisional agenda Show documents Hide documents
3. Adoption of the provisional working programme Show documents Hide documents
4. Admission of observers Show documents Hide documents
Administrative and financial matters
5. Report of the Executive Team and Chair of the Standing Committee Show documents Hide documents
6. Report of the Secretary General Show documents Hide documents
7. Report of the Management Working Group and the Selection Committee
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Selection Committee on the recruitment of the next Secretary General (no document)
7.2 Report of the Management Working Group Show documents Hide documents
8. Financial and budgetary matters [for consideration by the Subgroup on Finance]
8.1. Report on financial matters for 2019-2021 and 2022 including the audited statements for 2021 Show documents Hide documents
8.2. Status of annual contributions Show documents Hide documents
8.3. Budget scenarios for 2023-2025 and draft resolution on financial and budgetary matters (* includes a draft resolution) Show documents Hide documents
8.4. Potential financial implications of draft resolutions Show documents Hide documents
Strategic matters
9. Urgent challenges to the wise use of wetlands to receive enhanced attention: Best practices in the development of wetland inventories Show documents Hide documents
10. Report of the Strategic Plan Working Group * Show documents Hide documents
11. Report of the Effectiveness Working Group * Show documents Hide documents
12. Review of the Rules of Procedure Show documents Hide documents
13. Review of all previous Resolutions and decisions * Show documents Hide documents
14. Report of the Working Group on Observer status in the United Nations General Assembly Show documents Hide documents
15. Roles and responsibilities of the Standing Committee * Show documents Hide documents
16. Enhancing the Convention’s visibility and synergies with other multilateral environmental agreements and other international institutions * Show documents Hide documents
27 May 2022

SC59 Doc.16 Rev.1 Resolution XIV.xx Enhancing the Convention’s visibility and synergies with other multilateral environmental agreements and other international institutions

17. Communication, capacity building, education, participation and awareness (CEPA)
17.1. Report of the Chair of the CEPA Oversight Panel * ((Original report published on 1 March 2022; republished including draft resolutions on 31 March.) Show documents Hide documents
17.2. Report of the Secretariat on World Wetlands Day (no document)
17.3. Implementation of Resolution XIII.1 on World Wetlands Day (declaration by the United Nations General Assembly) Show documents Hide documents
18. Work plan of the Secretariat for 2022 Show documents Hide documents
19. Management of requests for data Show documents Hide documents
Implementation matters
20. Preparation of the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties
20.1. Report of the Subgroup on COP14 Show documents Hide documents
20.2. Report of the Secretariat on COP14 Show documents Hide documents
20.3. The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards [for discussion in closed session – document SC59/2022 Doc.20.3 to members of the Subgroup on COP14 only]
21. Ramsar Regional Initiatives
21.1. Draft resolution on Ramsar Regional Initiatives 2022-2024 * Show documents Hide documents
27 May 2022

SC59 Doc.21.1 Rev.1 Report of the Ramsar Regional Initiatives Working Group on Addressing Resolution XIII.9

27 May 2022

SC59 Doc.21.1 Rev.1 Report of the Ramsar Regional Initiatives Working Group on Addressing Resolution XIII.9 (TRACKED VERSION)

21.2 Report of the Secretariat on the Ramsar Regional Initiatives Show documents Hide documents
22. Report of the Co-chairs of the Independent Advisory Committee on Wetland City Accreditation Show documents Hide documents
23. Update on the status of Sites on the List of Wetlands of International Importance * Show documents Hide documents
24. Draft resolutions submitted by Contracting Parties
24.1 Proposed draft resolution on Protection, management and restoration of wetlands as Nature-based solutions to address the climate crisis (Submitted by Spain) Show documents Hide documents
24.2 Draft Resolution on review of the Ramsar criteria, and delisting of Ramsar Sites located in territories which are not recognized at the UN level as part of the territory of the submitting country (Submitted by Algeria) Show documents Hide documents
24.3 Draft Resolution on development of legal indicators to measure the effectiveness of the Ramsar Convention (Submitted by Burkina Faso) Show documents Hide documents
24.4 Draft resolution on Guidance on Conservation and Management of Small Wetlands (Submitted by China, cosponsored by the Republic of Korea) Show documents Hide documents
24.5 Draft Resolution on Integrating wetland conservation and restoration into national sustainable development strategy (Submitted by China) Show documents Hide documents
24.6 Draft Resolution on Wetland education in the formal education sector (Submitted by China and Republic of Korea) Show documents Hide documents
24.7 Draft Resolution on the Ramsar Wetland Awards (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
24.8 Draft Resolution on Updating the Wetland City Accreditation of the Ramsar Convention (Submitted by Republic of Korea, Tunisia, Austria and China) Show documents Hide documents
24.9 Proposed draft resolution on Ramsar Regional Initiatives – the basics (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
24.10 Proposed draft resolution on Ramsar Regional Initiatives – COP14-COP15 (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
24.11 Proposed draft resolution on Ramsar Regional Initiatives – addressing old decisions (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
24.12 Draft Resolution on Strengthening Ramsar Connections Through Youth (Submitted by Australia and Costa Rica) Show documents Hide documents
24.13 Draft Resolution on Waterbird population estimates to support new and existing Ramsar site designations under Ramsar Criterion 6 – use of alternative estimates (Submitted by Australia, in consultation with the Chair of the STRP) Show documents Hide documents
24.14 Proposed draft Resolution on the Ramsar Convention’s Scientific and Technical work – The basics (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
24.15 Proposed draft resolution on the Ramsar Convention’s Scientific and Technical bodies COP14-COP15 (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
24.16 Draft Resolution on the Establishment of the International Mangrove Center in the Framework of the Ramsar Convention (Submitted by China and cosponsors) Show documents Hide documents
24.17 Proposed draft resolution – Online drafting and preparatory negotiations of documents (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
24.18 Proposed draft Resolution on how to structure, write and handle Convention documents and messages (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
Scientific matters
25. Report of the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel Show documents Hide documents
26. Draft resolution on future implementation of scientific and technical aspects of the Convention for 2023-2025 * Show documents Hide documents
Other matters
27. Consideration of the request from Ukraine regarding the suspension of the operations of the Convention on Wetlands with regard to the Russian Federation (no document)
Concluding matters
28. Dates and venues of the 60th and 61st meetings of the Standing Committee (no document)
29. Adoption of the report of the meeting (no document)
30. Any other business (no document)
31. Closing remarks (no document)