In order to support Contracting Parties in their implementation of the Convention, the Secretariat has developed and provides capacity-building webinars.

List of webinars
Training Webinar: Preparation of draft resolutions for COP15

Webinar: Integrating Wetlands into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

Earth observations of ecosystems damage in Ukraine

Webinar for CEPA Focal Points for the Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands
Training Webinar on Preparation of National Reports to COP15
Training Webinar on Mainstreaming Gender under the Convention on Wetlands

Webinar on Agriculture and Wetlands

50th Anniversary: Campaign Briefing
Training webinar for National Focal Points and RIS compilers
Training Webinar on National Wetlands Inventories
Webinar on Wetlands and Climate Change
Financing Mechanisms for Freshwater Ecosystems

Training Webinar on Wetlands as NbS for NDCs
Training Webinar on the Green Climate Fund
Webinar on Wetlands: Key Enablers for a Resilient and Sustainable Recovery
Training Webinar on Grant writing