22ª Reunión del GECT

18 Mar - 22 Mar 2019

La 22ª reunión del Grupo de Examen Científico y Técnico se celebrará en la sede de la Secretaría de Ramsar, en Gland, Suiza, del lunes 18 al viernes 22 de marzo del 2019.

Informe de la reunión



1 Opening statements
1.1 Chair of the STRP
1.2 Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention
2 Approval of provisional agenda and working programme
2.1 Provisional agenda Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
2.2 Provisional working programme Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
3 Brief introduction of participants
4 Briefing on the Ramsar Convention and the STRP Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
4.1 Overview of the Convention and its implementation Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
4.2 Overview of STRP processes and procedures Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
4.3 Overview of other international processes and their relevance to the work of the STRP for 2019-21
4.4 Communications and policy relevance of STRP outputs (CEPA)
4.5 Lessons learned from the 2016-2018 triennium
5 Thematic Work Areas (TWAs) and mandate from COP13 Resolutions
5.1 TWAs and literature survey Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
14 Marzo 2019

STRP22 Doc.5.1 Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) Literature Survey: 2019 update

5.2 Correlation analysis of requests in COP13 Resolutions with TWAs Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
5.3 Advisory requests to STRP for the 57th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC57) Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
26 Julio 2018

Nota sobre Políticas de Ramsar n° 3: Misiones Ramsar de Asesoramiento - Un mecanismo para responder a los cambios en las características ecológicas de los sitios Ramsar

6 Process and expected outcomes for the week and establishment of TWA groups
7 Working groups
7.1 Methodologies and tools for monitoring and inventory (within TWA 1) Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
21 Octubre 2018

Informe Técnico de Ramsar 10: La utilización de la observación de la Tierra para realizar inventarios, evaluaciones y un seguimiento de los humedales

31 Mayo 2017

Nota sobre Políticas de Ramsar n° 2: Integración de los múltiples valores de los humedales en la toma de decisiones

7.2 Peatlands (within TWA 2) Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
14 Marzo 2019

STRP22 Doc.7.2 Draft Ramsar Technical Report on peatland restoration and rewetting methodologies in Northern bogs

7.3 Blue carbon (within TWA 5) Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
7.4 Culture (within TWA 2), gender issues (within TWA 4), and tasks for SC57 Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
7.5 Urban and peri-urban wetlands (within TWA 2) and economic valuation of wetlands (within TWA 3) Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
31 Mayo 2017

Nota sobre Políticas de Ramsar n° 2: Integración de los múltiples valores de los humedales en la toma de decisiones

8 Global Wetland Outlook Mostrar documentos Ocultar documentos
9 Enhancing the utility and use of STRP outputs
10 Finalization of draft work plan
10.1 Consolidation of working group inputs, agreement of priorities and identification of costs
10.2 Adoption of draft work plan
11 Date and venue of the next meeting (STRP23)
12 Any other business
13 Closing remarks