Zebedee Njisuh, the newly appointed Senior Advisor for Africa, officially assumed his role at the Secretariat on 1 April 2020.
Zebedee has more than 19 years of experience working on forests, biodiversity, coastal ecosystems management, policy development and projects implementation and research. Zebedee has been working with various stakeholders including: local communities, national governments, regional institutions (Abidjan Convention, ECOWAS, MRU) and international aid agencies such as UNDP and USAID across Africa, Europe and South-East Asia to design people-centred solutions to issues of wetland biodiversity loss, habitat degradation, depletion, and climate change. Zebedee’s efforts have led to the development of various conservation, sustainable management and climate change adaptation interventions and management plans.
Before joining the Convention, Zebedee worked as Coastal Resilience, and Adaptation Specialist for the West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change (WA BICC) Programme across West Africa. He led the scoping studies that resulted to USAID West Africa funding the WA BiCC programme. While with WA BiCC, he contributed to strengthening National Adaptation Planning (NAP) processes for six countries, delivered various climate change vulnerability assessments and field-based interventions which culminated in strategic policy frameworks promoting coastal resilience across West Africa. Prior to joining WA BiCC, Zebedee worked with the ZSL, ProForest, UNEP-WCMC and Management Systems International (MSI).
Zebedee holds a Diploma in Forestry and Water Management from the Mbalmayo Forestry School Cameroon, a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and a M.sc degree in Botany from the University of Buea, Cameroon. He holds a second M.sc degree from the Universities of Manchester, Central European University Hungary, Lund (Sweden) and Lesvos Greece in Environmental Science Policy and Management. He is a member of the IUCN Mangrove Specialist Group; he has published various articles about conservation and sustainable management of mangroves in West Central Africa.

Zebedee Njisuh
Asesor Senior (África)

Musonda Mumba
Secretaria General
+41 22 999 0007

Jay Aldous
Secretario General Adjunto
+41 22 999 0171

Geoffrey Oloo
Asistente Especial de la Secretaria General
+41 22 999 0016

Zebedee Njisuh
Asesor Senior (África)
+41 22 999 0164

Rachel Allen
Asesor Senior (América)
+41 22 999 0273

Beom-sik Yoo
Asesor Senior (Asia / Oceanía)
+41 22 999 0223

Flore Lafaye De Micheaux
Asesor Senior (Europa)
+41 22 999 0347

Jerker Tamelander
Director, Ciencias y Políticas
+41 22 999 0279

Sladjana Stankovic
Responsable Financiero
+41 22 999 0280

Edmund Jennings
Oficial de Documentación
+41 22 999 0365

Sharon Oseku-frainier
Oficial de Movilización de Recursos y Asociaciones
+41 22 999 0269

Manuel Kern
Oficial Informático
+41 22 999 0201

Filip Aggestam
Oficial Científico y Técnico
+41 22 999 0182

Delphine Brémond
Oficial de Conferencias y Gobernanza
+41 22 999 0395

Robert Godoy Recasens
Oficial de Desarrollo de Capacidades y Apoyo Político
+41 22 999 0178

Yejin Lee
Oficial de Apoyo a Financiación de los Humedales
+41 22 999 0367

Sharize Odongo
Oficial de Comunicación
+41 22 999 0058

Alexis Munier
Asociada de Comunicaciones
+41 22 999 0199

Ievgen Ivashchenko
Asistente de Contabilidad y Finanzas
+41 22 999 0181

Poppy Brace
Asistente Administrativo
+41 22 999 0134

Josiane Aboniyo
Profesional Junior - Soporte Técnico (África)
+41 22 999 0008

Ericka Faba Ortiz
Profesional Junior - Soporte Técnico (América)
+41 22 999 0149

Anusha Shivram
Profesional Junior - Soporte Técnico (Asia / Oceanía)
+41 22 999 0533

Laura Berner-Alteneder
Profesional Junior - Soporte Técnico (Europa)
+41 22 999 0542

Marie-Gabrielle Rosenblieh
Oficial de Recursos Humanos
+41 22 999 0390