SC meeting

Current Standing Committee (2023-2025): Members

In November 2022, the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14) elected a new Standing Committee to oversee Convention affairs until COP15.

The Standing Committee

The first meeting of the current Standing Committee (SC61) elected China as its Chair and Gabon as its Vice-Chair.

The regional composition, functions, and responsibilities of the Standing Committee and its members are governed by Resolution XIV.2 (2022), which supersedes the former arrangements set out in Resolution VII.1 (1999), Resolution XII.4 (2015) and Resolution XIII.4 (2018).

Voting members and alternate members (Regional Representatives):

  • Africa: Gabon (Alternate member: Equatorial Guinea), Libya (Alternate member: Morocco), Rwanda (Alternate member: United Republic of Tanzania), Burkina Faso (Alternate member: Liberia), Lesotho (Alternate member: Madagascar)
  • Asia: Lao People's Democratic Republic (Alternate member: Indonesia), Japan (Alternate member: Republic of Korea), Iraq (Alternate member: Iran, Islamic Republic of)
  • Europe: Belgium (Alternate member: Austria), Czechia (Alternate member: Slovakia), Georgia (Alternate member: Montenegro), Sweden (Alternate member: Slovenia)
  • Latin America and the Caribbean: Brazil (Alternate member: Colombia), Costa Rica (Alternate member: Guatemala), Saint Lucia (Alternate member: Dominican Republic)
  • North America: Canada (Alternate member: Mexico)
  • Oceania: Samoa (Alternate member: Australia)

COP14 host: China (Chair)
COP15 host: Zimbabwe
Contracting Party Permanent Observer: Switzerland (host country of the Secretariat).

The Management Working Group

United Arab Emirates – as outgoing Standing Committee Chair for the 2018-2022 triennium;
Sweden – as outgoing Standing Committee Vice-Chair for the 2018-2022 triennium;
China – as current Standing Committee Chair;
Gabon – as current Standing Committee Vice-Chair;
Mexico – as outgoing Chair of the Subgroup on Finance for the 2018-2022 triennium;
The United States of America – as current Chair of the Subgroup on Finance;
The Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the current triennium (2023-2025);
The Chair of the STRP for the previous triennium (2019-2022);
WWF – representative of the International Organization Partners;
The Secretary General – ex officio; and
Canada, Côte d’Ivoire, Samoa and Switzerland as interested Parties.

The Subgroup on Finance

The Subgroup on Finance is composed of:

Morocco – representing the Africa region;
Japan – representing the Asia region;
Georgia – representing the Europe region;
Brazil – representing the Latin America and the Caribbean region;
The United States of America – representing the North America region (Chair);
Australia – representing the Oceania region;
Mexico – as outgoing Chair of the Subgroup on Finance; and
China, Panama, Switzerland, Togo and Zimbabwe as interested Parties.

The Strategic Plan Working Group

The Strategic Plan Working Group was established through Decision SC59-20 with its mandate defined in Resolution XIV.4 on Review of the fourth Strategic Plan of the Convention on Wetlands, additions for the period COP14-COP15 and framework for the fifth Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan Working Group is composed of the following Contracting Parties:

Algeria, Australia, Bahrain, Botswana, Brazil (Co-Chair), Canada (Co-Chair), Chad, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czechia, Eswatini, Finland, France, Georgia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Oman, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and representatives of the STRP, BirdLife International, International Water Management Institute, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, and Youth Engaged in Wetlands.

Click here for more information on the Group and the preparation of the fifth Strategic Plan.

The Ramsar Youth Working Group

Congo – representing the Africa region; Iran (Islamic Republic of) (Vice-Chair) and Iraq – representing the Asia region;
Austria and Slovakia – representing the Europe region;
Colombia – representing the Latin America and the Caribbean region;
Mexico – representing the North America region;
Australia – representing the Oceania region (Chair); and
Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Japan and the United Arab Emirates as interested Parties.

Independent Advisory Committee (IAC) of the Wetland Cities Accreditation

Rwanda – representing the Africa region; Alternate: Botswana
China – representing the Asia region; Alternate: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Czechia – representing the Europe region;
Columbia – representing the Latin America and the Caribbean region;
The United States of America – representing the North America region; 
Australia – representing the Oceania region;
WWF – representing the IOPs;
Representative of UN-Habitat;
Representative of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI);
Scientific and Technical Review Panel representative;
CEPA Oversight Panel representative;
RRC-East Asia – representing any concerned Ramsar Regional Initiatives;
The Secretary General or his/her designated representative (observer);
Technical Advisors

Subgroup on COP15

Canada, China, Denmark, Madagascar, Saint Lucia, Sweden (Slovenia as alternate), Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Vanuatu (Australia as alternate), Zimbabwe (Chair), BirdLife International

CEPA Oversight Panel

Gabon - Chair, Zambia - Vice-Chair

Gabon (Jean Hervé Mve Beh) – Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee 
The United States of America (Julien Katchinoff) – Chair of the Subgroup on Finance
Madagascar (Vony Raminoarisoa) - CEPA Government Focal Point
Philippines (Susan Joyce Se) - CEPA Government Focal Point
Uganda (Regina Ceali Namakula) - CEPA Government Focal Point
STRP - Ritesh Kumar
Felipe Velasco (Colombia) – CEPA NGO Focal Point
Denis Berlemont (France) – CEPA NGO Focal Point
Harison Andriambelo (Madagascar) - CEPA NGO Focal Point
Awa Joof (Gambia) – Youth representative
Ahmed Sulaiman (Yemen) – Indigenous Peoples representative
Chris Rostron (Wetlands & Wildfowl Trust) – IOP representative
Sandra Ponde Imbuwa (Zambia) – Interested Party

Working Group on Institutional Strengthening

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, South Africa (Chair), Switzerland, Ukraine, United States of America (Co-Chair, interim), Zambia, Zimbabwe