Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Geneva high level round table discussion “Healthy wetlands, resilient communities”. Panelists from left: Jane Madgwick, Wetlands International; Martha Rojas-Urrego, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands; Maria Teresa Almojuela, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations; Kirsi Madi, UNISDR. Ramsar Convention Ramsar Secretary General, Martha Rojas-Urrego, was a panelist at the Geneva high level round table discussion “Healthy wetlands, resilient communities”. The event brought together speakers from governments, civil society, humanitarian and development agencies to share their perspectives on how wetlands contribute to sustainable development by reducing the risk of disasters. The event was attended by over 140 participants. Ramsar Convention Ramsar Secretary General, Martha Rojas-Urrego, was a panelist at the Geneva high level round table discussion “Healthy wetlands, resilient communities”. Ramsar Convention Lake and Mountains in Switzerland Nina Nery Bolle di Magadino - 20150301 Giulia Guldimann Chair of the Standing Committee Jorge Rucks opened the 52nd meeting by saying "We are losing wetlands, this vital ecosystem, and we must redouble our efforts to ensure wise use of and conservation of wetlands. The Strategic Plan for 2016-24 is there to help us in guiding our work.” Katie Hammond Mark Smith, IUCN, Ramsar International Organization Partner with Guy Ryder UN-Water Chair and Director GeneraI International Labour Organization at the reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the Geneva Ramsar Convention More than 100 delegates from 44 countries gathered to listen to the opening statements. Katie Hammond "2015 stands out as a beacon of hope, when the international community came together and agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including two goals which specifically recognize the importance of wetlands in sustainable development – the goal on water, and the goal on biodiversity" said Acting Secretary General Ania Grobicki Katie Hammond Acting Secretary General Ania Grobicki and Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Chief Executive, Martin Spray, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 15 June 2016. (Photo credit: Katie Hammond) Katie Hammond Outreach material at the UN-Water Partners reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the International Labour Organization Geneva Ramsar Convention Oely Rakotomamonjy and Sharon Oseku-Frainier of the Ramsar Secretariat at the UN-Water Partners reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the International Labour Organization Geneva Ramsar Convention Mr. Guy Ryder, UN_Water Chair and Director General International Labour Organization joins World Wetlands Day celebrations at the ILO Ramsar Convention Enjoying the sunrise on the Lake Leman Jane Smith UN-Water Partners celebrate World Wetlands Day at the International Labour Organization Geneva Ramsar Convention