Uruguay: Corredor de Vida / Lifeline

15 mars 2007

News from Wetlands for the Future

The documentary Corredor de Vida: Lifeline (WFF/03/UY/1) is a tool created by ECOVIVIR Productions (Uruguay) in collaboration with other organizations to raise awareness of the importance and values of wetland ecosystems in South America, and the need to use them wisely. To do this, Lifeline illustrated a transboundary wetland extending over Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, highlighting their interconnectedness. The documentary has been shown in several television channels in all three countries and was broadcast on the 2nd of February, 2004 to celebrate World Wetlands Day in the region. It has subsequently received several prizes.

-- Mila Llorens, Ramsar

The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service support the Wetlands for the Future Fund (WFF) training initiative for the Western Hemisphere, first begun in 1997. This activity promotes the implementation of the concept of "wise use" of wetlands through the strengthening of the capacity of countries to manage their wetland resources in perpetuity and by contributing to the integration of wetland conservation and management with the development process. All proposed activities must be in line with the principles, recommendations and guidelines of the Ramsar Convention. For more information about the WFF, see http://ramsar.org/wff/caxref:4158.