Chile completes SGF 1998 project

09 mars 2003

Chile completes SGF 1998 project "Impact of mining activities on the conservation status of high altitude (Andean) wetlands in the centre-north of Chile"

The Ramsar Bureau is pleased to announce the completion of project "Impact of mining activities on the conservation status of high altitude (Andean) wetlands in the centre-north of Chile", submitted to the SGF 1998 cycle by Mr. Elier Tabilo, of the organization Conservación de Ambientes Acuáticos de Chile.

Three main objectives were developed in the course of this project. The restoration needs for the Andean desert wetlands of Tambo and Puquios were studied first. Impacts were identified and quantified on eight different points of these areas, constituting a good example of a site analysis. The next topic developed was a study of the effects of the activities of the Los Pelambres Mining Company on the landscape and scenery of the mountain range wetlands. After determining the environmental impacts, recommendations were made for the restoration of the wetlands of the Los Pelambres region. The last activity developed by the project was added to the original proposal, and consisted in organizing training workshops for cattle ranchers and peasant farmers of the area, in order to compile traditional knowledge for wetlands conservation. Using this knowledge, a restoration pilot project was carried out in a degraded wetland area. As a final note, both the mining companies and the project organizer are currently considering to use part of the acquired information to formulate Ramsar Information Sheets for the wetlands of Tambo, Puquios, and Piuquenes.