Gallery 0 Results Reset search Close Shatt AL-Arab River, Abu al khaseeb, Basra Iraq Mustafa Abdulmttaleb Ali Rhine River floodplain “Grand Ried” Alsace Elena Landmann The Alleppey backwaters in Kerala, India. As colorful and tasty as the whole country. Noelia Silva Clarkson The Site mostly lies on limestone through which groundwater aquifers are formed and recharged. Ramsar Convention Covering 2.4 million hectares, the Sepik River will be one of the largest riverine Ramsar Sites Ramsar Convention Ilha de Mosqueiro, Belém, Amazônia Camille Silva Kushiro Shitsugen National Park in Hokkaido Taro Yamamoto Fotografía de Río Ebro en su paso por El Pilar de Zaragoza. Mireia This is a karst spring of the river Zlatna Panega in Bulgaria. Tsveta Borisova This picture was taken from Western Siem Pang Area of Stung Treng Province, Cambodia. It is one among several sandbars in this province, where River Tern is using for their habitat during the breeding and hatching season. Chandara Phat Amanda Conceição This photo was taken in one of the most famous rivers of Brazil, the Tietê River in Sao Paulo. Known for the huge amount of pollution, near big cities this water receives hundreds of tons of garbage every day. But, away from metropolises, it’s possible to see the real river trying to beat its destruction. Tietê, in a brazilian indian language called Tupi, means “true water”. Natalia Castanho Sobre as águas Bruno Eduardo Santos Danube river bank, Persina Nature Park! Yoana Karadzhova Cores, rios e silêncio. Thaíssa Oliveira Rio de Águas Belas, no interior do Ceará. O rio é muito utilizado para a pesca. Mateus Dantas Water surpassing the forest in Amazon Bruna Toscano Blavet river, Pontivy, Morbihan, France Henry Francois Boscher Cachoeira do Fantasma, Bonito, parque Boca da Onça. Willian Gregnani Rocha Bruna Costa Rocha Rocha Mayana aras river, Ardabil, Iran Abas Abaszadeh Sky reflection Charlie Waite The picture was taken in the Pantanal, one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world and the biggest floodplain on Earth. Lurian Pires Klein Sou um fotógrafo de casamento e nas horas vagas dedico-me à fotos de paisagem e cotidiano da cidade! Jonathan Borba Eco- Trail White River, Reserve Dzhandema, Stara Planina (Old Mountain) Doroteya Galbacheva Registro feito no interior de Pernambuco (PE), na cidade de São Benedito do Sul, área preservada e rica em vegetação. Foto: Yalli Borges, em 22/02/2015. Yalli Borges Lalinha