Wetland workshop in Peru

17 juin 2004

The "I Workshop on Wetland Ecosystem Functions and their Societal Value" was held in February-March 2003 in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, with the support from the Wetlands for the Future Fund -project WFF/02/PER/WKS1.

The project produced a nice video about Peruvian Ramsar Sites, with special emphasis on the Site "Zona Reservada Los Pantanos de Villa" located in the Lima metropolitan area.

The workshop featured presentations about different issues for Peruvian wetlands, including case studies from Pantanos de Villa and Lake Junín. Some of these were:

  • Biodiversity in wetlands
  • Territorial zonification in wetlands
  • Water treatment and purification in natural and artificial wetlands
  • Hydrogeologic control of wetlands
  • Cultural aspects of wetlands as tools for their conservation
  • Development of National Wetland Policies

Zoning of the Pantanos de Villa Ramsar SiteZonificación del Sitio Ramsar "Zona Reservada los Pantanos de Villa"