Mexico designates two new Wetlands of International Importance

15 février 2011

The Government of Mexico is announcing the designation of 2 new Ramsar Sites, bringing the country's total Ramsar Sites number to 121.

Laguna de Hueyapan (El Texcal). 02/02/10; Morelos; 276 ha; 18°54'N 99°09'W. This Ramsar Site includes a permanent freshwater spring and its surrounding area is located within "The Texcal" Ecological Conservation Area. The site is recognised for its hydrological importance for the region, including the main recharge area for the aquifers in the State of Morelos. It provides a reservoir of water for wildlife and is the habitat of endemic amphibians and birds like the Dusky Hummingbird (Cynanthus sordidus), and fish like the Balsas Shiner (Notropis boucardi). The Laguna de Hueyapan also sustains threatened species such as the Mexican leaf frog (Pachymedusa dacnicolor) and the Ridged Treefrog (Hyla plicata) listed as rare under Mexican regulation. The site is partially surrounded by the urban and industrial areas of Cuernavaca city. These areas put pressure on the site with main threats being the expansion of illegal settlements, water extraction for consumption, extraction of flora and fauna and the introduction of invasive species such as Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A Management Programme was published in 2005. Ramsar Site no. 1933. Most recent RIS information: 2010.

Ecosistema Arroyo Verde APFF Sierra de Álamos Río Cuchujaqui. 02/02/10; Sonora; 174 ha; 27°01’N 108°45’W. This Ramsar Site includes three streams located within the "Sierra de Alamos-Rio Cuchujaqui" Protected Area and Biosphere Reserve. It contains high biological diversity because of elements from the Nearctic and Neotropical biogeographic regions. This includes a number of rare species such as Ayenia purpusii and Cardiospermum cuchujaquense as well as species listed in Mexican regulation as endangered, like the Green Macaw (Ara militaris) and Palma de la Virgen (Dioon Sonorense). The site, on the Sierra Madre Occidental migratory route, provides support to Neotropical migratory birds such as Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter Cooper) and Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii). The main threat to this site is water extraction for human consumption; hence alternative water sources have been identified to reduce pressure on the site. Currently the Management Plan for the “Sierra de Alamos-Rio Cuchujaqui" Protected Area is under review and consensus. Ramsar Site no. 1934. Most recent RIS information: 2010.