International Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Andes

21 décembre 2001

Successful International Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Andes took place in Venezuela

The beautiful city of Mérida (Venezuela) was host to the IV International Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Andes, during the days 25 of November to the 2nd of December of 2001. The Symposium was organized by the Andean Mountain Association (AMA) with the sponsorship the United Nations University. Over 250 international professionals and students joined to present and discuss work in diverse topics such as biodiversity, climate change impacts, impact of intensive forestry and agriculture, Latin American communication networks for conservation, communal management of natural resources, cloud forests, and conservation of the Andean Paramo ecosystems. The Ramsar Convention made a presentation on the designation of mountain wetlands as wetlands of International Importance. For more information on the Symposium results please contact .

-- reported by Marco A. Flores, Ramsar