CREHO Board meeting

07 décembre 2004

Board Meeting

Regional Ramsar Center for Wetland Training and Research in the Western Hemisphere (CREHO)

On November 7, 2004 the annual Board Meeting of the Regional Ramsar Center for Wetland Training and Research in the Western Hemisphere was held in Merida, Mexico. The meeting was attended by Peter Bridgewater and Margarita Astrálaga (Ramsar Secretariat); Kruskaya de Melgarejo (Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente - Panama); María Teresa Kralikas (Argentina-Representing Contracting Parties in South America); Milton Camacho (Nicaragua -Representing Contracting Parties in Central America); Eduardo Guerrero and Rocío Córdoba (IUCN - Representing International Organization Partners); Elena de Lombardo (Smithsonian Institute of Tropical Research - Representing Related Institutions Worldwide) and Rosa Montañez (CREHO's Executive Director).

During the meeting CREHO's baseline and institutional self-diagnosis were reviewed, as well as the financial situation and activities carried out from January to October 2004. Additionally, the Strategic Plan, annual work plan and administrative, financial and Board manuals were reviewed. Finally, actions were defined for 2005 on the technical and operational level.